Some Fallout 2 modding tools I keep up to date.

Comments suggestions criticism here,thread is also a change log of sorts.


SSL-sFall decompiler by Anchorite

Updated by me : February 10th 2014.

Decompiler with every function in "sfall function list.txt" that comes with sFall.

When new functions are added to sFall I will update it.


Noid's Ruby sFall Compiler-Decompiler

Updated by me : February 10th 2014.

***User Notice***

A lot of the original ruby op_code names have been changed,

and previous scripts decompiled with ruby will not recompile.

Look in GL_Ruby_Old_Names.ssl for the new names,

the line with op_display_msg right below the new name, has the old name in it.

Ruby Compiler / Decompiler Files, with every function in "sfall function list.txt" that comes with sFall.

When new functions are added to sFall I will update it.


Process Dat 2

Simple program that deletes and adds specific pro files to the master.dat,

takes a txt file as its list of proto's to work with,

Also delete's (if exists) the same pro file from data\proto\critters.



Not really a fallout 2 program, been making c++ programs to learn the language.

GUI program that can search files and replace text in them or rename batches of files.

Recurse, single folder or single file.

Settings can be saved to a text file and easily reloaded.


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